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  • Writer's pictureSonya Rashkovan

The School Whose Boundaries are Just One Street

By Jeyssi Huaycochea

MCPS is one of the most diverse counties in our nation, and the county is very proud of. However, growing up I've only ever seen one side. I attended an elementary school whose boundary was just one street so I resided and grew up in a bubble.

I later moved and was fortunate to attend Montgomery village Middle school. Where I was exposed to such a diverse ray of individuals. All from different countries, races, and faith traditions, but most importantly, from different socio-economic backgrounds. I consider myself very fortunate to have had this experience.

However, not every student within our county has had the same experience. This boundary study will help MCPS promote the incredible diversity and real-world learning experiences that the county has to offer.

Jeyssi Huaycochea is a Sophomore at Watkins Mill High school in Gaithersburg Maryland. Living in one of the most diverse cities in our nation she’s been able to live through the benefits of a diverse learning environment. Which has driven her to continue fighting equitable education as an advocacy committee member of STEPS. She has been involved with student advocacy for the past two years. In which she has served as an executive board member on the Montgomery County Regional SGA.

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